domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2017

Portfolio Entry #7 - FROM PARAGRAPH TO ESSAY

From paragraph to essay by Cristian Zarza

  • Mnecidisi Christian Maphalala (2017), University of Zululand, South Africa "The classroom as learning communities" Retrived September 17, 2017 from Sabinet:
  • CL Gray (2015) "Allergic prevention: Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" Retrevied September 17, 2017 from Sabinet:
  • Teshni Moodley (20) "Runny nose - Not always allergy" Retreived September 17. 2017 from Sabinet:
  • What is better purchase: LCD TV or Plasma TV?" Retreived September 17. 2017 from Pencraft:

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